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Events subsystem

Events can occur in an application that require the response of loosely coupled objects.

For example: BSL Language Server configuration file (.bsl-language-server.json) has a traceLog field. In it, you can specify the path to the file to display a detailed log of the interaction between the server and the client. When a configuration is changed, a "server configuration changed" event is generated, and all components can reread it and reconfigure themselves if this event is important to them. In this example, the log output component changes the path to the output file.

The subsystem consists of three components:

  • events;
  • post events;
  • event subscription.

The main difference from Spring Events is the transfer of event publishing from application code to an isolated layer using aspect-oriented programming.

A summary of Spring Events in the article


All events are children of ApplicationEvent. The event class must be placed in the events subpackage of the package whose object can generate this event.

For example, change event com.github._1c_syntax.bsl.languageserver.configuration.LanguageServerConfiguration is located in the package and and has the name LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent.

In the event class it is recommended:

  • declare a constructor that takes the "source" of the event (the object on which the event fired) and calls the super constructor;
  • override the getSource method, returning source cast to the source type.
 * Configuration change event.
 * <p>
 * Contains a link to the configuration as an event source.
public class LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent extends ApplicationEvent {
  public LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent(LanguageServerConfiguration configuration) {

  public LanguageServerConfiguration getSource() {
    return (LanguageServerConfiguration) super.getSource();

Events publication

The EventPublisherAspect aspect of the com.github._1c_syntax.bsl.languageserver.aop package is used to publish events

Brief information about aspect-oriented programming you can find in page

To intercept events in an aspect, advice can be declared to intercept method calls and/or accesses to object properties. An event object must be created in the advice body and published via ApplicationEventPublisher.

To form a pointcut expression, you need to use templates in the Pointcuts class of the com.github._1c_syntax.bsl.languageserver.aop package

An example of intercepting the server configuration update event:

public class EventPublisherAspect {
  @AfterReturning("Pointcuts.isLanguageServerConfiguration() && (Pointcuts.isResetCall() || Pointcuts.isUpdateCall())")
  public void languageServerConfigurationUpdated(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
    var configuration = (LanguageServerConfiguration) joinPoint.getThis();
    applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent(configuration));

Events subscriptions

To subscribe to an event, a component can implement the ApplicationListener interface or declare a public method annotated with @EventListener and taking a specific event class as a parameter.

Below is an example of handling the LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent event via annotations:

public class FileAwarePrintWriter {
   * Обработчик события {@link LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent}.
   * @param event Событие
  public void handleEvent(LanguageServerConfigurationChangedEvent event) {