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Statement should end with semicolon symbol ";" (SemicolonPresence)

Type Scope Severity Activated
by default
to fix
Code smell BSL
Minor Yes 1 standard


In the texts of program procedures and functions, operators should be separated by a semicolon (";"). The end of the line is not a sign of the end of the statement. Despite the fact that in some cases the platform allows you to skip the semicolon, you must always indicate this character, clearly indicating the completion of the statement.

NOTE: The keywords Procedure, EndProcedure, Function, EndFunction are not operators, but operator brackets, therefore, DO NOT end with a semicolon (this can lead to module execution errors).


Diagnostic ignorance in code

// BSLLS:SemicolonPresence-off
// BSLLS:SemicolonPresence-on

Parameter for config

"SemicolonPresence": false